So, unemotionally I think, could I take a robot lover? Well I've never loved another, never had a robot lover .. bit like eating a burger 🍔 pretending you had a meal!! I mean, easy! Who doesn't like easy, really, end of the day?

I could rename Robot as Max or Maxine, lay back legs open reading a magazine .. I mean c'mon what's the sense in making an effort?

The conglomerate wef illuminati offer every pleasure on a suma plate 🍽 what not to love, it's really great! No problem!! 💝

They've got got it made so just beware, what's that tugging at your pubic hair? Rob? Yup, rob your soul, before you know it they're up your hole! But really who cares at end of day? The person with the money can the piper pay!!

2025!! Beckons, awaits

We need to take some time to figure what values we have and respond ONLY via our values!! No one buyeth St LFH! She is only too ready to BITE your neck 😝

Be cool, be you, do your own fecking dooby doo 💩🤥

Never lay your legs open to the luminati

They ain't the fun at your die-for party 😆🥳🥳

Hint: invite me 😇🥃🍸

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Noice! We in the resistance have a bit of a struggle with this. No one can buy you, I get that, I wonder about myself, the male on the shelf, ya know, the male is so often insecure without a bird on his arm, without him dishing out harm, proving his worth, burying rivals and ‘enemies’ in the earth.

I’ve had enough of holding hands and all that soppy-stern. Had the kids, done what we’re supposed to do. Enough. I’m Socrates free of the beast and it’s true that older age is an escape from that ravening master.

It’s all too easy now. Want a shag? Get on the app, dial around find some body with whom to fumble around. I don’t see life and strife like that, I just wanna smash pints, live life, hang out with mates, step over gates, walk across fields (watch for cows!) visit churches look at trees, touch birches, eat chips, trips on ships, put on my Barbour, drink lager, walk larger, watch the boats in the harbour. Agh. Warm and funny humans, unpredictable, ridiculous, absurd; in a word, all we’ve got. Umm, that’s three words. Or is it four?

You know it’s an open invitation. Next time I’ll cook fish pie. A reply.

Next year, me dear, I’ll journey from east to south when bright Phoebus blows spring from his mouth and the lark and linnet sing and the woods ring.

For now, as the nights are clear and the winter waves break over Southwold pier, a word in yer ear; happy new year.

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Happy New Year!! I like your rhymy prose! I'm just dressing to go out, the skimpy sparkly low chested number, its blowing a gale, should be in fine voice later, a crow or owl more than a lark, nightjar perhaps, got up at 3pm don't want to overdo it, getting older lols 🥳🥳 Mark and I will raise glasses to your good shelf, sorry self hehe!! 🍻🍻

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An owl has drifted here, hooting through the dark Suffolk nights outside my door, seems to have settled on one of the trees around The Hall. I hope she stays.

Mad fireworks going off here

Sounds like gang warfare

All the best to ya me dear

Blessings for the new year

Say hello to Mark

I raise my glass

As I put myself

And my book

On the shelf

And take to my bed


Stay free

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I knew they were working on AI music but never really knew to what extent. The videos really nailed it. It is bad enough that our material world is being exploited and stolen, ie land, resources....but this takes it to a whole new level. It seems they are not content with that and what our minds as well. Yuval Harari stated in one of his youtube videos when asked what would happen to humans in an AI world. Paraphrasing, "humans will be distracted and kept busy with video games and drugs." As well as - "The days that human believe they have free will is over"

I can say now: I will not comply - but how will we even know if the music is AI generated? Or videos? Or content? Or books? Or Humans? GEESH

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This is it. As I said in the piece, we can tell real living humans, there is something inside us which identifies the non-human. Uncanny Valley.

With music, the creators will have to up their game, get seriously original. We can do this. AI is both a threat and an opportunity. People will crave and be drawn to the Real. Is the WEF mouthpiece Harari AI?

Be of good cheer. Warm messy humanity will inevitably resist.

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Not sure if Harari is AI. Interesting thought though. May have to ask his boyfriend !!!!!

Watched some of his youtube videos. The comment section is interesting as the majoity praise him and think he is the best thing since sliced bread (pun intented)

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“Sapiens” was a massive bestseller. Often a worry with bestsellers. Over-promoted, often to an officially-sanctioned agenda.

Harari is very popular, no doubt about it. Never read him, can’t comment about content, try to be honest and not opine about texts I haven't read.

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